The overall goal of the SEV Project was to standardize the collection of single event violation data in the State’s Water Pollution Control Program and to create the standard business processes for managing and resolving single event violations in the federal database, Integrated Compliance Information System for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (ICIS/NPDES).

After a formal BIDS evaluation process, Corybant was selected by the CDPHE as the preferred vendor for the Single Event Violation (SEV) Management across National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Sectors project (SEV Project). The SEV Project is a one-year project that is funded by an EPA Grant.

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Division: Water Quality Control Division (WQCD)

Project reference: Single Event Violation (SEV) Management system

The SEV Project involved four Program Area Sponsors within the WQCD, four WQCD Division managers and 15 additional stakeholders (managers, field staff, and IT).

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This Project included an analysis of key policies (NPDES Compliance Monitoring Strategy and over 50 EPA polices regarding compliance for data collection, reporting, and resolution of SEVs), an evaluation of the State’s inspection and spill response processes for collection and management of SEV data, and development of processes and methods to document and manage the violations through resolution.

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During the course of the project, the Corybant team conducted weekly status meetings with sponsors, formal periodic meetings with the program areas to review documentation and deliverables, and a formal facilitated alignment meeting of all stakeholders. Through the Needs Assessment Process we identified and initiated the establishment of a formal working groups within WQCD that are focused on Business Process Improvement, Change Control, Business Applications, and Information Technology.
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The SEV Project deliverables included developing formal reports: Communication Plan, Development Document, Data Collection and Tracking Validation Criteria, Workflow and Gap Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Final Project Plan, Internal Source of Records, Requirements for System and Procedures to support Management of Forms for Data Collection, Database Requirements for Event Tracking, and Training.

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