The fundamental goal of the project was to "Create a Roadmap to provide a phased approach to integrate two disparate systems (site files and GIS) and combine them into one, creating an enterprise geodatabase environment to interact with [OAHP] underlying relational database (, which would then manage all the spatial and attribute data".
The project was to call out and focus specifically on the procedures and workflow improvements needed for the Section 106 review process and was extended to include more basic aspects of the operation of the OAHP Information Management (IM) group and OAHP information system.
Stakeholders included managers from OAHP, History Colorado, CDOT, OIT, US National Park Service (Historic Preservation), Boulder County (and other Counties), and third-party vendors supplying 106 audits. Activities included surveying all stakeholders to gather requirements, processing that information, and conducting alignment sessions with stakeholder groups and individual stakeholders to prioritize the desired state and prepare a roadmap for moving forward with e-106 Automation. As a result of stakeholder alignment and clarification of requirements and prioritization of process improvement methods, we were able to deliver a Roadmap to OAHP that included a practical solution well within OAHP budgetary restrictions and available resources.
The project was conducted in three facets as described in the diagrams below.
Phase 1
The first group of activities relating to assessing the current state, alignment of stakeholders relative to desired state and creation of associated operational reference models. The project included creating a Project Dependency Chart, which is a summary of the project activities, work products, their relationship and dependence. It served as a tracking and communication tool between Corybant and OAHP project management. This instrument enabled project management to adjust execution dates and order of execution of project steps according to availability of stakeholders while maintaining control of the overall project. Within this framework, Corybant adjusted the project scope as OAHP requested and incorporated the benefits of the enhanced scope without compromising project integrity or risking delays.
These activities were conducted within the framework of Corybant's Needs Assessment™, a formal business process re-engineering methodology that is developed and practiced by Corybant. Corybant's Needs Assessment™ is primarily created for automating business processes that involve a significant technical content and that serve constituencies with diverse set of training, goals, expectations, and success measures (perspectives). As part of the Needs Assessment we conducted stakeholder interviews, documented current processes, and developed reference models. We used this information to develop data models and “to map the sequence and nature of the modular changes that will address OAHP’s anticipated needs and long-term goals for a new system.”
Phase 1 Activities substantially related to discovery and analysis of existing processes and practices at OAHP (Current State).
Phase 2
Activities and findings for Phase 2 were substantially related to the analysis of alternatives and the creation of a reference model that enables the roadmap to move towards improved levels of automation (Desired Operational State).
A strawman reference model was created subsequent to initial review of documentation and vendor products. This model was used to create interview models for discussions with stakeholders and the OAHP management.
The result of these interviews was used to create three aspects of the OAHP automation roadmap. • Stakeholder Operational Context • Focus Areas • Business Process Improvement (BPI) Initiatives
Using these three perspectives, participating members of the OAHP senior management reviewed and prioritized the relative impact of various approaches during a formal facilitated discussion.
Phase 2 Activities were substantially related to the analysis of alternatives and the creation of a reference model that enables the roadmap to move towards improved levels of automation (Desired Operational State).
Phase 3
The third group of activities related to the creation of a roadmap for the OAHP information system migration to improved integration and more effective automation. Activities and findings summarized in the final report were performed during June of 2017 and are related to finalizing the design and creating the implementation roadmap.
Specific activities covered in the final report included: • Use the results of the management alignment meeting to update the prototype implementation that was used for identifying the candidate BPI initiatives • Creation of a strawman design for a possible target implementation of a system to support the OAHP Information Management Unit • Creating alternative transition scenarios • Review and validate possible scenarios with the OAHP project manager • Creating an optimized series of implementation steps (projects) • Calculating budgetary cost estimates based on industry norms
Phase 3 Activities related to finalizing the design and creating the implementation roadmap.
The project was awarded in April 2017 and successfully completed in June 2017.